“Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics” (9781469841878)


Title: Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics
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Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics
Author: Rascati, Karen
First name: Karen
Last name: Rascati
Imprint: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Owner:Wolters Kluwer Health
Edition: 2

E-ISBN: 9781469841878
Print ISBN: 9781451175936

SKU: 9781469841878 Category: Tag:


This new text is designed for a student or practitioner who is unfamiliar with “pharmacoeconomics.” It provides a straightforward explanation of the essential pharmacoeconomics topics outlined by The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). It defines terminology used in research and covers the application of economic-based evaluation methods for pharmaceutical products and services. Users will find examples of how pharmacoeconomic evaluations relate to decisions that affect patient care and health-related quality of life.


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