Economics: Global and Southern African Perspectives 2/E ePUB (9781775953616)


Economics: Global and Southern African Perspectives 2/E ePUB
Economics: Global and Southern African Perspectives 2/E ePUB
Parkin, M; Antrobus, G; Baur, P; Bruce-Brand, J; Kohler, M; Neethling, L; Rhodes, B; Saayman, A; Sch
M, G, P, J, M, L, B, A, V, D, K, J
Parkin, Antrobus, Baur, Bruce-Brand, Kohler, Neeth
Pearson South Africa
Pearson Education Southern Africa


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Now in its second edition, Microeconomics: Global and Southern African Perspectives aims to change the way that students see the world and open their eyes to the “economic way of thinking”. In this way, they are able to gain insights into how the economy works and how it might be made to work better. Based on the tenth edition of Michael Parkin’s internationally renowned Microeconomics, the second edition of Microeconomics: Global and Southern African Perspectives combines Parkin’s expertise and international perspective with local knowledge and context. Microeconomics: Global and Southern African Perspectives is the ideal textbook for university students learning the principles of microeconomics. It covers the core principles and tools of economic science, which are put to work by using them in the context of a wide range of local and international problems and issues. Key features of this expanded edition include: • Clear learning objectives; • A real-world, student-friendly scenario to grab students’ attention, and a brief preview at the beginning of each chapter; • Economic analysis of the latest relevant Southern African news articles and case studies to show how economic principles can be used to understand our world; • Review questions, end-of-chapter problems and critical thinking exercises drawn from the international and local economic landscape; • Full-colour text and figures to illustrate and reinforce key ideas; and • Mathematics notes to strengthen students’ grasp of key principles. Furthermore, Pearson’s Study on the Go provides a unique mobile integration between the text and online content. Students can link to Study on the Go directly from a smartphone allowing them to study whenever and wherever they wish. Study on the Go contains popular study tools for each chapter, including summaries, glossary flashcards and quizzes. About the authors Michael Parkin is Emeritus Professor at the University of Western Ontario and author of the best-selling US Microeconomics, now adapted for many countries and used by over a million students across the world. Geoffrey Antrobus is presently Emeritus Professor of Microeconomics and a Senior Mellon Fellow at Rhodes University. Peter Baur holds a PhD in Microeconomics and teaches the subject at the University of Johannesburg. Janet Bruce-Brand taught Microeconomics at the University of Natal and is now a researcher in private practice. Marcel Kohler teaches Microeconomics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Leigh Neethling teaches Microeconomics at the University of Cape Town. Bruce Rhodes holds a PhD in Microeconomics and teaches the subject at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Andrea Saayman is Professor of Microeconomics at North-West University, Potchefstroom. Volker Schöer lectures in Microeconomics at the University of the Witwatersrand. Dirk Scholtz teaches Microeconomics at the University of Pretoria. Kirsten Thompson is an economist in private practice. Jacqueline van der Merwe is a consulting economist. This eBook is a digital version of the printed book. Benefits of the ePUB format​ include: • The ability to view on a desktop computer, notebook or tablet; • As students adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, content reflows to fit the device’s screen giving the user a more flexible experience; and • Students can take notes, highlight and bookmark, and access video and audio for visual learning.