“Ebola Virus Disease: From Origin to Outbreak” (9780128042304)


Title: Ebola Virus Disease: From Origin to Outbreak
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Ebola Virus Disease: From Origin to Outbreak
Author: Qureshi, Adnan; Saeed, Omar
First name: Adnan
Last name: Qureshi
Imprint: Academic Press
Owner:Elsevier S & T
Edition: 0


SKU: 9780128042427 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Ebola Virus Disease: From Origins to Outbreak covers Ebola virus disease in its entirety from its origins through major outbreaks in the past to the present day outbreak. It contains information on the West Saharan response to Ebola as well as highlights from the field in West Africa from Dr. Qureshi and Dr. Chughtai, helping to solve the primary question of what’s next and aiding in formulating a path forward. With a growing awareness of the devastating effects of this viral disease and an influx of topical research, this book provides the information the global community of researchers, clinicians and students need to better inform their research and study of Ebola virus disease.

  • Includes perspectives from the 2014-2015 outbreak from the field
  • Provides a detailed overview of the origins of Ebola virus through present day discoveries
  • Written with an integrative approach, incorporating scientific research with insights from the field


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