Digital media offer many of the same characteristics ? immediacy, transparency and interactivity ? that make one-to-one the most effective form of communication. And yet many organizations do not fully embrace them. They simultaneously underestimate and fear the power of digital communications. And yet these tools, when used strategically, can be an effective part of your communications plan.PR 2.0 will help you: 1.ÿÿÿÿÿ understand how the increasing emphasis on transparency driven by corporate responsibility has changed the ways that effective organizations communicate with their stakeholders; 2.ÿÿÿÿÿ develop a communications plan for your organization that reaches, and engages, the right stakeholders, using the most appropriate tools and channels; 3.ÿÿÿÿÿ demonstrate the value and ?sell? the use of digital media to skeptical internal stakeholders, including in the c-suite, as part of your mission-advancing communications plan. You can make the most of the irrevocable changes in the way people create, share, receive, judge and interact with information. This book offers real-world examples and practical tools to help your organization to live its values and effectively engage with those most essential to your success.ÿ
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