<i>Accounting 3e</i> provides a very accessible and easy-to-follow introduction to accounting. It is intended as a core textbook for students studying accounting for the first time: either those following an undergarduate degree in a business school, or non-business studies students stuyding an accounting course. This includes students on both accounting and non-accounting degrees and also MBA students. <p>Designed to be both engaging and accessible to the student, <i>Accounting 3e</i> features:</p> <ul> <li>A lively presentational style integrating cartoons and soundbites</li> <li>‘Company Camera’ boxes presenting financial data from a wide variety of international companies, such as Heineken, Nokia and Volkswagen.</li> <li>‘Real Life Nuggets’ offering contemporary examples from the business press that give the body of the text a real-life resonance.</li> <li>End of chapter questions of escalating difficulty, together with accompanying answers, enabling the student to develop their understanding of the key concepts discussed in the text.</li> <li>A rich supporting website including solutions, extra question material and powerpoint slides for lecturers, multiple choice quizzes and an online glossary for students.</li> </ul>
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