“Blueprints Emergency Medicine” (9781469845692)


Title: Blueprints Emergency Medicine
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Blueprints Emergency Medicine
Author: Nathan Mick
First name: Nathan
Last name: Mick
Imprint: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Owner:Wolters Kluwer Health
Edition: 2

Print ISBN: 9781405104616

SKU: 9781469845692 Category: Tag:


The Second Edition of Blueprints Emergency Medicine covers the essentials of emergency medicine that students need to know during their rotation and while preparing for the USMLE. The thoroughly updated and reorganized Second Edition features coverage of the most common conditions encountered on the wards. This edition has been completely reorganized to cover the most common acute conditions first, followed by a systems-based approach to emergency medicine. Coverage of trauma, bioterrorism, and pediatric emergencies has been expanded. Other highlights of this edition include many more figures, tables, and algorithms; 75 board-format Q&As with answer explanations; and evidence-based references.


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