“Clinical Epidemiology” (9781469829784)


Title: Clinical Epidemiology
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Clinical Epidemiology
Author: Robert Fletcher
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Imprint: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Owner:Wolters Kluwer Health
Edition: 5

E-ISBN: 9781469826257
Print ISBN: 9781451144475


Now in its Fifth Edition, Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials is a comprehensive, concise, and clinically oriented introduction to the subject of epidemiology. Written by expert educators, this text introduces students to the principles of evidence-based medicine that will help them develop and apply methods of clinical observation in order to form accurate conclusions. The Fifth Edition includes more complete coverage of systematic reviews and knowledge management, as well as other key topics such as abnormality, diagnosis, frequency and risk, prognosis, treatment, prevention, chance, studying cases and cause.


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