It’s no mystery why Larry Siegel remains THE best-selling author in Criminal Justice. Professor Siegel is known for presenting real-life stories of crime, criminals and the hottest debates in the field, and CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE, 7th Edition, doesn’t disappoint. This four-color paperback is concise and affordable. Real-world material clarifies concepts and theories, equipping students with a solid foundation in modern criminology. Grounded in Siegel’s signature style–cutting-edge theory plus meticulous research–the book covers all sides of an issue without taking a political or theoretical position and provides a broad view of the field’s interdisciplinary nature. This edition includes the latest insights into political crime; terrorism (e.g., ISIS); white-collar, blue-collar and green-collar crime; cybercrime; transnational crime (e.g. human trafficking) and many other topics.
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