Electronic Control and Digital Electronics covers electronic components, tools and measuring instruments. Electronic Control and Digital Electronics deals with manuals, circuit diagrams, how to construct electronic circuits, binary theory, computer components and software, and PLCs. The FET FIRST Electronic Control and Digital Electronics NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 Student’s Books each have a Lecturer’s Guide or a Lecturer’s Guide CD-ROM. The Lecturer’s Guides contain comprehensive answers to the activities as well as teaching and assessment guidelines. The FET FIRST Electronic Control and Digital Electronics NQF Student’s Books contain photographs and diagrams to aid students’ understanding of the subject. FET FIRST Electronic Control and Digital Electronics NQF Level 4 provides students with an opportunity to learn how to replace faulty components on PC boards, including soldering and interpreting semiconductor manuals. Students learn how to build basic electronic circuits and revise the binary system. Students are introduced to software loading and problems affecting computer software and synchro-server motors. Other topics include PLCs and ladder logic diagrams.
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