Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing (9780080966687)


Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing
Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing
Jones, D R H; Ashby, Michael F.
Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann
Elsevier S & T



Engineering Materials 2, Fourth Edition is one of the leading self-contained texts for more advanced students of materials science and mechanical engineering. The book provides a concise introduction to the microstructures and processing of materials and shows how these are related to the properties required in engineering design. As with previous editions, each chapter is designed to provide the content of one 50-minute lecture. The fourth edition has been updated to include new case studies, more worked examples, links to relevant websites and video clips. Other changes include an increased emphasis on the relationship between structure, processing and properties, and integration of the popular tutorial on phase diagrams into the main text.

Engineering Materials 2, Fourth Edition is perfect as a stand-alone text for an advanced course in engineering materials or a second text with its companion Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications, and Design, Fourth Edition in a two-semester course or sequence.

  • Many new or revised applications-based case studies and examples
  • Treatment of phase diagrams integrated within the main text
  • Increased emphasis on the relationship between structure, processing and properties, in both conventional and innovative materials
  • Frequent worked examples – to consolidate, develop, and challenge
  • Many new photographs and links to Google Earth, websites, and video clips
  • Accompanying companion site with access to instructors’ resources, including a suite of interactive materials science tutorials, a solutions manual, and an image bank of figures from the book


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