Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics” (9780511114120)


Title: Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics
Subtitle: Cases and Commentaries
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Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics
Author: Lorry R. Frankel
First name: Lorry
Last name: Frankel
Imprint: Cambridge University Press
Owner:Cambridge University Press
Edition: 1

E-ISBN: 9780511114120
Print ISBN: 9780521118613

SKU: 9780511114120 Category: Tag:


Children in precarious health present particular problems for healthcare professionals because of their intimate relation to their family, and because of the family’s need to provide major long-term source of support and to be actively involved in the decisions about their children’s care. This collection of cases and commentaries in pediatrics highlights the difficult ethical dilemmas that can arise during high-tech hospital care of children in precarious circumstances. It serves as a teaching tool for clinical ethics and as an introduction for medical students and residents. Clinical cases are described in detail by the physicians involved, who focus on the ethical issues arising during treatment. Each case is then commented on in detail by a philosopher or other bioethicist. It thus serves well as an introduction to contemporary clinical bioethics, but with a firm grounding in the practicalities of real-life pediatric care in the hospital setting.


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