HIV and AIDS: Education, Care and Counselling: A multicultural approach 6/E ePDF 9781776101856


Level/Grade: Tertiary
Author(s): Van Dyk, A; Tlou, E; Van Dyk, P
ISBN: 9781776101856
License: Perpetual licence
File type: ePDF


Since the first edition of HIV and AIDS Education, Care and Counselling was published almost 20 years ago, it has become the standard handbook in Africa for thousands of HIV and AIDS practitioners.

However, ongoing HIV and AIDS research requires regular revisions to the handbook for it to remain current with developments in prevention and treatment. Consequently, this new edition has been updated with input from two new specialist co-authors. This has strengthened the multicultural and multidisciplinary approach of this edition to Africa’s unique challenges.

Key features

A new design that improves readability and accessibility;
In situ definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts;
An updated glossary of important HIV and AIDS terminology; and
Terminology, Frequently Asked Questions and Enrichment boxes that provide insight into specific aspects of HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment.

Key updates
This edition includes a wealth of new information for healthcare practitioners on nursing care principles covering co-infections and complications of HIV infection and ART; infection control; and management of TB, drug-resistant TB, STIs and comorbidities. Specifically, the sixth edition includes:

The latest ARV protocols in South Africa;
The WHO’s best practice suggestions;
ART treatment as prevention;
HIV, TB and STI prevention and management for schoolchildren, aligned with the Department of Basic Education’s Life Skills and Life Orientation criteria;
Development of children and adolescents from traditional, communal or collectivistic backgrounds; and
The Dual Process Model (DPM), focusing on the latest research in bereavement counselling.

About the authors
Professor Alta van Dyk, with degrees in psychology and nursing sciences, teaches psychology at the University of South Africa, with a special focus on HIV and AIDS education, nursing care and counselling.
Dr Emmanuel Tlou is a clinical psychologist at George Mukhari Academic Hospital, with vast experience in HIV and AIDS counselling.
Professor Peet van Dyk teaches various courses in theology and HIV and AIDS, where his primary focus is on bereavement and the role of spiritual counselling in the AIDS field.

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