“Insider Threat: Prevention, Detection, Mitigation, and Deterrence” (9780128024102)


Insider Threat: Prevention, Detection, Mitigation, and Deterrence
Insider Threat: Prevention, Detection, Mitigation, and Deterrence
Gelles, Michael G.
Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann
Elsevier S & T



<p><i>Insider Threat: Detection, Mitigation, Deterrence and Prevention</i> presents a set of solutions to address the increase in cases of insider threat. This includes espionage, embezzlement, sabotage, fraud, intellectual property theft, and research and development theft from current or former employees. This book outlines a step-by-step path for developing an insider threat program within any organization, focusing on management and employee engagement, as well as ethical, legal, and privacy concerns. In addition, it includes tactics on how to collect, correlate, and visualize potential risk indicators into a seamless system for protecting an organization’s critical assets from malicious, complacent, and ignorant insiders. <i>Insider Threat</i> presents robust mitigation strategies that will interrupt the forward motion of a potential insider who intends to do harm to a company or its employees, as well as an understanding of supply chain risk and cyber security, as they relate to insider threat. </p><br><br><ul><li>Offers an ideal resource for executives and managers who want the latest information available on protecting their organization’s assets from this growing threat</li><li>Shows how departments across an entire organization can bring disparate, but related, information together to promote the early identification of insider threats</li><li>Provides an in-depth explanation of mitigating supply chain risk</li><li>Outlines progressive approaches to cyber security </li></ul>


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