“Micromanipulation in Assisted Conception” (9780511059957)


Micromanipulation in Assisted Conception

Micromanipulation in Assisted Conception
Steven D. Fleming
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press



This practical 2003 handbook provides an extremely comprehensive and highly illustrated guide to micromanipulation techniques in assisted conception in a clinical setting. It includes detailed, illustrated descriptions of all the common micromanipulation systems currently in use in IVF laboratories around the world and clearly explains how to optimise their successful use. The volume covers state-of-the-art techniques including intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and procedures such as assisted hatching and the blastomere biopsy (for preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD). Valuable information on troubleshooting the potential mechanical and technical difficulties that can arise is provided to help all the practitioners of these techniques, including trainee embryologists and consultant obstetricians, and technicians and scientists involved in animal transgenesis and cloning. It will undoubtedly be of immense value to all doctors and scientists working with assisted reproductive technologies.


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