Palliative Nursing E-Book (978-0-7020-2816-8)


Palliative Nursing E-Book
Palliative Nursing E-Book
Shaun Kinghorn
Bailliere Tindall (UK)
Elsevier Limited (UK)


SKU: 9780702028168 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Content has been thoroughly revised and updated in line with changes in practice and policy both locally and internationally, particularly the UK NICE guidance on Supportive and palliative care for people with cancer and the Care of the Dying Pathway. It reflects the rapid development of palliative nursing as an emerging specialty. It helps in the process of defining palliative nursing and how it interfaces with other disciplines within the specialty. The text is divided into three sections and comprehensively, yet sensitively, covers all aspects of palliative nursing. Key themes covered include pain control, symptom control, loss and grief, and handling loss.


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