Planning for the Early Years Foundation Stage


David Fulton Publishers

SKU: 9781134721306 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


The Practical Guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage series will assist practitioners in the smooth and successful implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Each book gives clear and detailed explanations of each aspect of Learning and Development and encourages readers to consider each area within its broadest context to expand and develop their own knowledge and good practice. Practical ideas and activities for all age groups are offered along with a wealth of expertise of how elements from the practice guidance can be implemented within all early years settings. The books include suggestions for the innovative use of everyday ressources, popular books and stories. Planning for the Early Years Foundation Stage complements the six Learning area books in this series by explaining the basis of clear planning and how it links to careful observation and assessment. Useful examples are provided throughout, Planning across the Early Years Foundation Stage will raise awareness of what is needed within early years settings, explain the who, when and whys of observation, assessment and planning, and making useful links to each of the other books in the series. ÿ


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