Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel (Global Edition) 9/E Enhanced ePUB


Author(s) Levine, DM; Stephan, DF; Szabat, KA
Level/Grade Tertiary
Brand Global Edition
Imprint Pearson
ISBN 9781292372884
Licence Perpetual licence

SKU: 9781292372884 Category: Tag:


This enhanced ebook contains a selection of additional interactive features specifically designed to support you in your study, including:

Multiple choice questions with dedicated feedback at the end of key sections enabling you to test your understanding of what you have just read;
End-of-chapter quizzes that test your knowledge of the chapter content and assist you when revising; and
Integrated video bringing the material to life and helping you to grasp key concepts.

Benefits of the ePUB format​ include:​

The ability to view on ​a ​desktop computer, notebook or tablet;
The ability to adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, causing content to reflow to fit the device’s screen giving the user a more flexible experience; and
The ability to take notes, highlight and bookmark.