Wine Science: Principles and Applications (9780123814685)


Wine Science: Principles and Applications
Wine Science: Principles and Applications
Jackson, Ronald S.
Academic Press
Elsevier S & T

E-ISBN: 9780123814692
Print ISBN: 9780123814685

SKU: 9780123814692 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,


With its three previous best-selling editions, Wine Science has proven to be an extensive account of the three central tenets of wine science: grape cultivation, wine production, and wine assessment. This fourth edition presents the latest updates on current wine production methods in a framework that explains the use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of alternate procedures. Ronald Jackson’s wealth of experience is matched by his ability to effectively communicate, making this book ideal for those seriously interested in the science of wine as well as professionals, professors and students.

New to this edition: *Expanded coverage of micro-oxidation and the cool prefermentative maceration of red grapes *The nature of the weak fixation of aromatic compounds in wine – and the significance of their release upon bottle opening *New insights into flavor modification post bottle *Shelf-life of wine as part of wine aging *Winery wastewater management

Updated topics including: *Precision viticulture, including GPS potentialities *Organic matter in soil *Grapevine pests and disease *History of wine production technology